#1 - Wysłana: 15 Cze 2020 09:22:41 - Edytowany przez: Q__
Wielu bohaterów ST ma nabożny stosunek do wykonywanej pracy - oficerowie GF, lekarze, naukowcy różnych specjalności, ale nikt chyba nie przebija w tym względzie Federacyjnych terraformerów, którzy i sami swój trud odbierają wręcz w kategoriach poetycko-biblijno-mistycznych (jak nie Genesis w nazwie technologii, to wzmianka o rajskim ogrodzie), czując się czy to demiurgami, czy rodzicami całych biosfer:
Luisa: Welcome to Velara Three. Please. I want you to remember it as it is now, because in a couple of decades you won't recognise it. Luisa Kim. Gardener of Edens.
Luisa: What we're doing is so exciting, so inspiring. We take a lifeless planet and little by little transform it into an M class environment, capable of supporting life. Terraforming makes you feel a little god-like. The first phase involves selecting the planet. That's very important. It must have the right mass and gravity, the correct rate of rotation, and a balanced day and night. The planet must also be without life or the prospect of life developing naturally. The Federation determines if that's so. Then, we take over. This station is phase two. Phase Three involves water. Usually we create basins using hydraulic landscaping, but the water on this planet is subsurface, and extremely high in salt content. We are just about to begin pumping and filtering the water, removing the salt, oxygenating and replacing. Next, we introduce micro-organisms, and when the process is complete eventually, we'll have a lush, arable, biosphere. Riker: You make it sound poetic. Luisa: I think it's the best job in the universe.
oba cytaty TNG "Home Soil"
Carol: /.../ I'm birthing new worlds. New places for life to arise. That's the most mothering act of all, wouldn't you say.
NV/P2 "The Holiest Thing"
Carol: Let me show you something ...that'll make you feel young as when the world was new.
I nie cechując przy tym zbytnią skromnością:
Sisko: My son and I visited Blue Horizon on the way to Deep Space Nine. I must say I was impressed. Seyetik: Of course you were. I created the place and even I'm impressed. How did you like Da Vinci Falls? Sisko: We didn't get to see them. We were only on the surface for a few hours. Seyetik: Oh, Commander, you missed Blue Horizon's crowning glory. Imagine water cascading off cliffs the height of Mount Everest, thundering through continuous rainbows, straight into an ocean the colour of sapphire wine. I'm going to have to take you there one day. By God, I wouldn't mind seeing it again myself.
Seyetik: A great terraformer needs the green thumb of a gardener, the eye of a painter and the soul of a poet.
oba DS9 "Second Sight"
A i przez otoczenie traktowani są jako specyficzny - godny podziwu, ale i bujający w obłokach - sort ludzi:
Picard: It takes very special people to live in such desolation. Troi: Visionaries who don't see this planet as it is, but as it will be.
"Home Soil"
Dax: Benjamin, have you ever met a terraformer? Sisko: No. What's that got to do with it? Dax: You can't tell a terraformer anything. It's an amazing talent bringing dead worlds to life, but humility and common sense aren't part of the job description.
"Second Sight"
No więc właśnie, pogadajmy trochę o tym ich prometejskim mistycyzmie...