Tego Friendship 1 nie znałem...
IMHO b. ciekawa konstrukcja, bo, mam wrażenie, może stanowić wczesny przykład ewolucji Trekowego Deflektora:
Nie wiem czym w intencji twórców miała być ta antena*, ale mnie wygląda na b. wielką, bo jeszcze prymitywną
Main Deflector Dish, choć daty zdają się temu przeczyć - jak wiemy NX, gdy startował, Deflektora nie posiadał.
* W sumie jedyne co mamy, to te słowa Sternbacha, projektanta tejże sondy:
"There wasn’t much in the episode to indicate a true scale. To my mind, the thing was likely no bigger than Cochrane’s Phoenix; that is, about a 10 foot diameter central body and warp nacelles about 3-3.5 feet in diameter. That donut and cylinder in the tail was the antimatter supply within a protective mag field, as a test for future crewed vehicles, where the antimatter container might have to be jettisoned due to a breakdown of the field. Best way is to keep the pod at the rear and blow it away backwards. The deuterium tank, on the other hand, would have been fine; it’s just super-cold and only needed good insulation." ip-one-a-present-from-pierre-drolet/#comment-28733 I Droleta, który ów projekt
oblekł w ciało:
"The first spaceship I built for the Star Trek world was actually not a spaceship but a probe name "Friendship 1." This would have been the only model I did for Star Trek if I f*#^ it up. Let me explain; The original design of "Friendship 1" that we received from the art department from Paramount was pretty much a box, with two small wings and a direct TV dish on the frame. Rob and I were not impressed with this so he gave me the green light to make a bold move, which was to redesign Friendship 1. When I look back, I could have followed instructions to strictly just built it from the original design, but luckily in this case diverging from the norm ended up paying off. Dan Curry was the visual effect producer for Star Trek at the time and, luckily for me, he liked the new design. That was the beginning of my full time job as lead modeler for Star Trek for five years." -probe-pod(Gdzie, jednak, nie wiem czy słowa o
TV dish traktować dosłownie, czy jako pewną przenośnię.)
Postanowiłem sięgnąć z jego powodu po ten odcinek VOY'a w którym występuje