USS Phoenix
USS Phoenix forum / Star Trek International / Alone
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#1 - Wysłana: 3 Maj 2016 05:57:38 - Edytowany przez: Sande1990
In life we have to go through many hardships, the new life of joy and happiness. And in love too involved many different emotions such as longing, anger, apart ... And then those feelings we again draw the lessons of experience and different. Not always love a person who also responded. Looking at the one you love happy with someone other than his true feelings of pain and alone. Many go alone among a crowded feeling against experienced. Night is the rise of sadness.
The wallpaper sad love the mood of loneliness, boredom, separation is the emotions expressed in the suffering love that any who love and getting love as well will experience.
Sadness will eventually pass away, but for now the loneliness is still felt let him know you're sad and miss using these pictures to make phone wallpaper offline. Currently you are still lonely and want to find the wallpaper fit your mood. Together watching the alone wallpaper our following. Let's instead pc hd wallpapers are light. Wish you will find a loving half.
#2 - Wysłana: 3 Maj 2016 08:38:50
First active spambot for long time.... Well... We're banning...
USS Phoenix forum / Star Trek International / Alone

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