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#31 - Wysłana: 5 Wrz 2009 00:17:48

Tusen Takk

God natt
#32 - Wysłana: 5 Wrz 2009 00:19:45 - Edytowany przez: Jamjumetley
Nordmann can speak Polish very well and clear.

I don't doubt it ;) What I meant was that you could use some colourful metaphors ;)
#33 - Wysłana: 5 Wrz 2009 01:00:06

This sketches/concepts/mattes made me speak-less for several minutes... I need a little patience now, because I really like to see that movie ... Make it faster
#34 - Wysłana: 5 Wrz 2009 01:12:57
That's very kind of you, Bashir! I promise you that the real graphics (these are just simple concepts) will be much nicer! ;)

The teaser will be presented in October, and the first trailer (whic is 10-15 minutes long) in 2011. The resaon why it takes this long is that we are going for a high tech movie quality, and that we have more than 300 actors from 17 countries to shoot! We will therefore present the movie like this:

* Teaser (1 minute) October/2009
* Trailer (10-15 minutes) 2011
* Act 1 (min. 30 minutes) ?
* Act 2 (min. 30 minutes) ?
* Act 3 (min. 30 minutes) ?
* Making-off (60-90 minutes) ?
#35 - Wysłana: 5 Wrz 2009 06:40:40
Sheesh... that's a loooong time to wait for more Trek. But to hell with that. As long as you'll keep us up-to date, that's fine with me.

As much as i'd love to contribute to the project, my health predicaments prevent me from going abroad alone, and taking someone with me would be too much of an expense for me. However, if you'd be needing any help in matters that could be handled over the net - i'm more than eager and ready to help

Best regards, mate.
#36 - Wysłana: 5 Wrz 2009 11:10:16

Wow, looks great! I've just joined your group on Facebook, looking forward to see the teaser
#37 - Wysłana: 5 Wrz 2009 11:31:16
I'm very imprest. "shocked not ashamed" (damn. In Polish it sounds better ).

At 1 p.m I'm leaving Poland.

I'll be happy to become our "emmisary" to the Norwegian forum, if no one has objections?
#38 - Wysłana: 5 Wrz 2009 11:45:16

No one has. If someone does, I'll kick his ass.
#39 - Wysłana: 5 Wrz 2009 12:01:41
I'll be happy to become our "emmisary" to the Norwegian forum, if no one has objections?

I cannot think of anyone better suited for this job than you

No one has. If someone does, I'll kick his ass.

I would like to see it

You are a little bit late with this project. I was in Sweden last year, and then I could play! This year I can't travel to Scandinavia in order to take part in this project

But I will be watching this production closely. I would be greatful for informing users of USS Phoenix about progress in this movie
#40 - Wysłana: 5 Wrz 2009 12:20:06
I would be greatful for informing users of USS Phoenix about progress in this movie

not just informing, be our guest as often as it possible.
#41 - Wysłana: 5 Wrz 2009 12:52:16
Alucard87: Absolutely! Anything you would like to contribute with? One would be joining our Think Tank - which is the Gatekeeper forum! It's a rather simple forum but is created for Trekkers to debate all the details, and make sure we do not make logical mistakes or break CANON.


Wheter you talk about informing Trekkers Norway, or representing Poland on the Gatekeeper Forum - both sounds like a good plan! We used to inform Trekkers Norway very well, but we simply don't have the time anymore. Feel free to post any info/Photo link presented on Facebook from this day on if you like. What is posted here the last two days they allready know about! But things are about to happen almoust everyday!

Arek: The production time is 3 years, so you have a lot of time filling up your piggy bank to take a weekend in Stockholm! ;) hehe If not I'm sure you can contribute with good ideas and comments on our Gatekeeper Forums. I will most certainly keep posting new info in this thread as often as I can, and I'll post a presentation in the other thread you just created!

PS! Some of the Gatekeeper Forum debate is found in The Bridge section, where only actors/producers/artists and sponsors are allowed, but there are plenty of threads outside this section. Bite: when you log in with a profile, please send me a PM (Thomas) and I'll have the programmer let you into The Bridge!
#42 - Wysłana: 5 Wrz 2009 13:12:06
Here's a short presentation about our project:

Gatekeeper is a MTC (Multi Talent Cooperation) project - a production made by professionals and semi-professionals in cooperation with talented amateurs on a voluntary basis. People involved with the project are participating for several reasons:

* Large MTC projects often ensure everyone participating lots of work afterwards.
* Newly educated actors and artists need to fill their portfolios and large projects with celebs
involved are worth its weight in gold.
* MTC productions often mean more freedom for the artists.
* The interest for this new art form has exploded lately and many feel a need to support it!
* It’s great fun and for some a great opportunity to work with their idols, when celebs are involved.

Fan Prod
This particular production is also a fan production, which means that parts of the story are already established and that the copyright is shared with another company (or several). This production has involved celebs from Star Trek and Star Wars - as we wish to create a Sci-Fi were these Sci-Fi giants finally meet - without it being a parody. This copyright is therefore shared with Paramount Pictures and LucasFilm.

Fan productions have a tradition in how they are screened. Most often they are downloaded directly from their home page for free, and screened at most sci-fi conventions all over the world.

The project was started by four resourceful and exceptional active Sci-Fi fans.

Thomas Dahl: Matte Painter (photorealistic pictures for film) with experience within theatre, TV documentaries - and with an extensive network within the industry. He’ll be writing the first draft of the script as well as directing the movie.

Martin Moen: Computer whiz with background in programming, CGI, and sound recording. Responsible for home page and sound.

Barbara Adams: Well known from the documentaries Trekkies 1 & 2, and Bill Clinton’s Whitewater trial, and for her welfare work. Responsible for research and background stories.

Irene Brustad: Started the organization Trekkers Norway and is the leading lady of the movie.

The plot for the movie started with the question: What happened after the latest movie/episode of the two Sci-Fi shows. The latest we heard from Star Trek was Voyager returning home and Nemesis, and Darth Vader’s body being burned in Star wars.

Barbara Adams created an extensive background for Captain Kathryn Janeway and her descendants, and we decided to to move 13 generations forward in time - to Elisabeth Janeway - more than 500 years after time traveller Braxton from the Relativity got arrested (from Voyager).

In cooperation with the Star Wars fan community and 501st Garrison we created a believable scenario for the Star Wars crossover, and ensured that both shows came off just as good in the script for all fans to enjoy it.

The Plot
The year is 2887 - a period of time- and dimension travel within Starfleet and United Federation of Planets. The first known stationary Nexus * appears above Ares City - the Capital of Mars, and in the years to come millions of alien ships are appearing in the Alfa Quadrant to enter the Nexus - threatening to set the entire quadrant in chaos.

Year 2890 the Vulcan president of United Federation of Planets, Sedak, orders the building of the biggest space structure in UFP's history: The Gatekeeper Station. The station's task is to keep people away from the Nexus.

In 2892 the station is ready and one of the sharpest minds in Starfleet - young Elisabeth Janeway is picked out to run the station. Her team consists of eight genetically engineered species created by the UFP underground on Vulcan - all exceptional skilled within their field of expertise. They are to be known as The Gatekeepers.

Entering her private quarter after a long day's work, Janeway is confronted with two androids and their warning of a powerful warlord closing in on the Alpha Quadrant to take control of the Gatekeeper station and enter the Nexus in search of his long lost love. While the warlord is unknown to Janeway, his partner most certainly is - the Borg Queen.

During the preparation for battle a small arm from the Nexus reaches out and embraces the upper half of the station. At first nothing seems to happen, until five well known characters appear on the station bridge: The finest captains of Starfleet history are back and ready join the fight.

* Nexus: A rift in space were everyone that enters can live forever and create their own reality.
#43 - Wysłana: 5 Wrz 2009 13:14:56 - Edytowany przez: 4Father
...and here is some of our best known actors:


Gatekeeper has actors and artists from 17 countries involved with the production - including a number of local and international celebrities and fan based actors. The list will change on a weekly basis and will be updated as we go.

International Celebrities:

Denise Crosby (Tasha Yar from Star Trek: The Next Generation)
Mark Allen Shepherd (Morn from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)
Star Wars actor (To be announced later in the production)
Richard Arnold: Gene Roddenberry's advisor for 16 years! Created the term PADD)
Leslie Hoffman (Stunt woman from Voyager and Deep Space Nine. B'Ellana Torres stand in)
Izaak Smith (3rd best male dancer in "So You Think You Can Dance - Canada / 2009)
Christer Fuglesang (EAS Astronaut. International Space Station and the shuttle Discovery)
Roger Nygard (Producer/Director of documentaries Trekkies 1 & 2).
Stefan Åkesson (World Freestyle Skateboard Champion)

Local Celebrities:

Henrik Fexeus (Writer, TV documentary host and Body Language/Communication expert)
Knut Jørgen Røed Ødegaard (Astro-physician / Expert on Mars / Norwegian Media Contact on Astronomy)
Martin Zetterlund (Former stuntman from one of Jackie Chan's stunt team and several Swedish productions)
Subtopia Circus Schools (Among the best circus schools in Europe)

Other Well Known Names:

501st Garrison (Large army of Star Wars experts and costumers)
Jesper Isberg (Runs one of the biggest Sci-Fi Conventions in Europe)

Fan Based Actors:

Bobby Rice (Phase 2/Hidden Frontier/Odyssey and several independent films)
J.T. Tepnapa (Hidden Frontier, Odyssey and Phase II)
Adam Browne (Hidden Frontier)
Nick Cook (Star Trek: Intrepid)
Samuli Torssonen (Star Wreck/Iron Sky)
Timo Vuorensola (Star Wreck/Iron Sky)
Michael Dempsey (Star Trek: Origins)
Ron Morrison (Star Trek: Origins)
Robin Hiert (Star Trek: Dark Armada)
Iris Janse (Star Trek: Dark Armada)
Rasmus Tirzitis (Star Wars: Threads of Destiny)
Barbara Adams (Trekkies 1 & 2)

Next to be invited is Robert Picardo (The EMH from Voyager), Keegan de Lancie (Q2 from Voayeger and John's real life son), and Kevin Sorbo (Andromeda Captain and Hercules).

PS! Hope it's ok that I devide these in several post when they are so large and with different subjects!
#44 - Wysłana: 5 Wrz 2009 18:30:04 - Edytowany przez: 4Father
Latest news: edd5d83a&id=558121422

It can be seen bigger (and readable at the Gatekeeper Forum). Facebook demands VERY small photos unfortunately!
#45 - Wysłana: 6 Wrz 2009 22:37:21
That powerful warlord wouldn't happen to be Darth Vader, would it? Because if that's the deal... imagine Stormtroopers upgraded with Borg tech? Or a Star Destroyer retrofitted with phasers instead of lasers <shivers>

Pretty nifty idea to go with Janeway's family line, yet advancing it so much into the future. And the idea, to include
The finest captains of Starfleet history

just launched my anxiety into transwarp.

Thumbs up and keep on pouring the news
#46 - Wysłana: 7 Wrz 2009 01:39:40 - Edytowany przez: 4Father
We used a long time creating the script for the movie, starting with an intense debate about how to create a crossover that would not seem silly and become a parody - AND how to solve all the obvious differences between the technologies, and the fact that Darth Vader was dead.

We knew we had to ensure that none of the shows was presented better than the other or came up a "winner", and decided that the good guys from Star Wars would fight side by side with Starfleet, against Darth Vader and the Borg Queen.

As for Darth Vader we solved the problem by letting the Borg Queen escape the final Starfleet attack a long time ago by vanishing through a dimensional rift and into the Star Wars world. Here she assimilates several spices - among them the Kamino (Clone makers). She then found Vader's helmet floating in space, and cloned him back with the information assimilated through the Kamino.

I'll post a large part of the script on this forum tomorrow. Just make sure it is not posted anywhere else!!!
#47 - Wysłana: 7 Wrz 2009 10:54:56
That's gonna be hard, since this forum is open (ie. you don't need to register to read it). But you could pack it into a zip or rar file, password it and circulate the password through emails. That would be much more secure.
#48 - Wysłana: 7 Wrz 2009 13:34:46
Not a problem! Most visitors on this forum seems to be Polish, and I'll only post the opening and vignette (to be filmed in November) and part of the first act where some of the main characters are presented!
#49 - Wysłana: 7 Wrz 2009 16:39:47 - Edytowany przez: 4Father
Here goes guys! The Opening, The Vignette, and part of the first act:


By Thomas Dahl
Research Barbara Adams



"Ares Village, Mars - 2889"

Sound of a fly buzzing

Fade in - Open to camera behind fly in mid air.

Fly landing on a twig with big stone in the background - out of focus. Focus shifts to stone which opens eyes and slowly start opening its mouth. The fly leaves.

It climes in height and when the audience finally relaxes - the stone creature jumps for the fly - but it escapes.

Camera follows the fly toward a futuristic house at a Mars village, and camera shifts to the wall of the house. Soon after the fly arrives and walks around for a few seconds. Camera fades to a low window frame.

The fly arrives and walks around. It closes in on a small technical devise to the far left of the frame and the upper part of the device turns very slowly toward the fly before a small phaser beam is activated and hits the fly, which gives away a tiny squeak and lies still - smoke rising from its dead body.

A hand with a pair of tweezers enters the frame and catches the fly by its legs.


The camera zooms out a bit to show the plant and the girl holding the fly a few centimeters over the single flower on the plant.

Wakey! Wakey! Breakfast is ready!

The flower slowly opens and a mouth full of teeth is slowly coming out of the flower. Seen from above it suddenly grabs the fly - and bites off half the tweezers (ref. to aliens)

Girl :
Aaaaaaahhh! That's the second pair this week……That's it! You're history!

She lifts the pot with her left hand and pulls the plant up by its roots with the right, as a large shadow rises. She looks up - chin dropping.

A giant and evil looking version of the same plant sneers at her - leaning in over the window frame.

She puts the plant back in the pot and pets it carefully with three small movements of her hand.

Nice little planty!

Then starts backing away. From the upper frame of the picture, thick slime is dripping down and the plants head enters the picture moving slowly toward her.

Several mouths of different sizes come out towards her very slowly - drooling heavily on the floor, and she pulls back one step at a time.

The last mouth force her up against the wall…before her eyes suddenly catches two small holo-emitters in each upper corner of the window frame.

Computer, end program!

The plant shrinks to a small boy hanging over the lower window frame.

Hi, sis!

The girl looks very angy!

Ma says bring your PADD, we're late for school!

He lets go of the frame just in time to duck the smaller plant (with pot) zooming over his head, and into the wall behind him.

Seen from the outside he runs down the stairs, which follows the round stone building from the second level and all the way to the entrance on the other side of the house. The girl leans out of the window and shouts at him.

I hate you, you little troll!

She turns - her arms crossed and anger in her face. Then turn her face to the left and spot the PADD on a table. She runs over to it, grabs it, and exit through the open door, and it closes behind her.

Downstairs the boy enters through the front door and places himself on the transporter pad. His sister is running down the stairs, and as she reaches the transporter pad her mother stand up after picking up a sweater from the floor (in the left of the frame).

(To her husband) Would it kill you to help out a bit?

The father is having his coffee by a table and is tapping on one of his PADDs.
(the chair and table lacks feet as their anti gravity).

(Mumbles) My boss will if I don't finish this in about four minutes.



She turns around and reaches for the boy's PADD on the table where her husband is eating. He hands it to her without even looking her way - busy reading his own PADD.

I saw a Druggel today, dad!

Did not!

The mother has her back turned; tapping in the transporter coordinates on a display in the wall. Only the sound of the kids is heard.

Did too!

The Girl smacks her brother in the back of his head


Will you two stop acting like children!

We are children!

Speak for your self!

The boy is making faces at her sister with his tongue out.

Enough! Here! Don't want to leave your tongue behind, will we?

She gives the boy his PADD, returns to the wall panel. He turns toward his sister.
(seen from behind)

Can that really happen?

The girl flicker her eyes.


And your badge, John!


He taps his badge and it “Chips”.

His mother shake her head and turns toward the display on the wall where the family’s life signs are visible with curves showing all heart beats, and the boys life signs appears.

Good! Gravity belts activated?

(Bored) Yeahhhhh!

Computer! Transport!

She blows them a kiss.

The two instantly dissolve in a large number of small balls falling to the ground and disappearing just above the surface in small sparks. A few balls bounce up again half a meter and disappear the next time they fall.

The mother is still holder the sweater she picked up from the floor and folds it by pinching it to her chest while she passes her husband.

You gone be late, Jerry!

I'm almost there!

She stops by the replicator, put the sweater on a nearby shelf, and gives it a command.

Computer...Feline Supplement 14!

The replicator produces a bowl with cat food, while the mother puts the uniform at the top of the heap of folded clothes. She then grabs the bowl and hurries out the front door, where the cat is waiting for his breakfast.

(To the cat) Hi Sweetie! Where have you been the last few days? Huh? Are you hungry?

She places the bowl on the ground!


The cat hisses at her and pulls back into the bushes, hidden in the shadows only the eyes are visible.

What is it, Sweetie?

A flickering of blue light is slowly filling the surroundings. Camera zooming out as the woman turns and spot what is hovering over the planet (not shown by the camera). She's backing toward the entrance while the camera keeps zooming out - one shot at a time.


Camera continues to zoom out to an overview of the neighborhood, the country, the planet, and finally a distance from the planet where one can see the Nexus over the planet - and fade out!



Fade in

Camera panning over the wall of Captain Elisabeth Janeway's apartment with pictures from her past, and Starfleet's history…

(All text preliminary and will be updated/changed later)

Text: "A MindMeld Production"

…reaching the base of a window - curtains on the right side hanging out of the window - slowly moving in the wind. Outside the Space Elevator is just descending down to the ground.

Fade to shot of the Vigeland’s Park, with camera craned from the ground and up, with futuristic Oslo behind the elevator. Seagulls are lifting on each side of the pathway in slow motion, as a woman pass them on the path leading up to the Space museum.

Text: "A 4Father Film"

Fade to the elevator on its way up with the camera slowly spinning around it - giving a peek inside the front, as it moves past the screen - with people looking out the window

Text: “Director: Thomas Dahl”

Fade to overview of the docking station…

Text: "Based upon "Star Trek" created by Gene Roddenberry"

Close up of docking clamps opening with a metallic "click".

Text: "and Star Wars created by George Lucas"

Fade to Ferry gliding away from the docking station (from a far) and over the camera (covering the view with its black belly).

Text: "Starring Irene Brustad as Elisabeth Janeway"
Text: "and Thomas Dahl as Tomak"

Camera rising from black and above a stone formation on the moon, with Earth as background, and the skyline of the moon base in the far. The Ferry surfacing in the horizon - gliding all the way past the camera on its right side.

Text: "Anton Sundén as Garry Taren"
Text: "and Martin Moen as Marak"

Sequences with pictures of the ferry flying in space and close-ups of the Ferry's hull with names of actors fading in and out on the screen two and two:

Text: "Kenneth Lund as Ferman Komiri"
Text: "and Carolina Gómez Lagerlöf as Sevet"

Text: "Nicola Powel as Camilia"
Text: "and Angela Folåsen as Lauren"

Text: "Laila Strand Krystad as JJ"
Text: "and Erik-Andrè Mamen as Richard Brady"

Text: "Peter Rydèn as Ben Fletcher"
Text: "and Stefan Åkesson as Andrew"

Text: "Frederic Lehman as Kelaan"
Text: “and Christian Kinell as John Riley"

Text:"Alexander Angeltveit as John Walker"
Text: "and Herbert Van-Vliet as Sebastian Wood"

Text: "Ole-Tom Ingebrigtsen as Hawk"
Text: "and Barbara Adams as Sedak"

Cut to Ferry flying from right to left side of the screen. Camera following until straight ahead - where the moon Phobos is visible in close up behind the Ferry as soon as it disappears out of the shot to the left. The camera is rising above the moon's surface (with the silhouettes of space-suited workers )…

(Music climax)

…and the Gatekeeper station is shown for the first time, with the ferry appearing from behind the moon on the low left side - heading for the station. Camera moving in on the station shortly before fading over in close- ups of parts of the station.

Close up of the stations blue section (Private quarters), with people waving their hands from inside:

(Names are preliminary and will be updated later)

Text: “Featuring Denise Crosby”
Text: “and Mark Allen Shepherd”

Close up of the main promenade with the ferry docking.

Text: “Richard Arnold”
Text: “and Leslie Hoffman"
#50 - Wysłana: 7 Wrz 2009 17:17:16 - Edytowany przez: 4Father
Cut to close-up of the docking clamps and a shadow slowly covering the clamps as the ferry is docking.

Text: “Christer Fuglesang”
Text: “and Knut Jørgen Røed Ødegaard "

Camera driving along corridor floor with Janeway's feet walking toward the camera.

Text: "Bobby Quinn Rice"
Text: "and Luzaas Smith”

Camera rising on the other side of the promenade door. Door opens (camera still rising) and Captain Elisabeth Janeway is seen for the first time. She walks under the camera.

Text: “Roger Nygard"
Text: "and Sofia Brattwall"

Camera rising from the floor behind and over her as she leans on the railing of the balcony. In front of her there is nothing but black, and the movie title:


Fade out

Text: "Script by Thomas Dahl & Barbara Adams


Act One
Sequence 1/ Scene 1

Text: "Gatekeeper Station - 2891"

Fade in

Close up of a glass cage on a table in sickbay, with Captain Janeway bending down, fascinated and looking through the glass from the other side. On the inside small creatures have gathered by a small artificial pond to the left - drinking from the water.

What are they?!

Doctor Brady is standing with his back to her on the other side of the room - taking notes on a PADD while observing the same type of creatures in a much larger cage inside the wall.

The Doctor:
(Sighing) Look! Much as I love to chat, I do have...(turns around) a lot of work…oh…Captain Janeway! I’m dreadfully sorry! I thought…

That’s quite all right, Doctor. (smiling without looking up) What exactly are you working on?

The Doctor:
(flustered) Oh…eh..well…

Quietly reaching over to one of the counters with a “hope she didn’t notice” expression on his face, grabbing a coffee mug, his palm covering to hide the cup, and throwing it quietly into the bin next to the counter.

The Doctor:
They're called Dates. They were discovered in the caves of Davenport Mountains during the building of the UFP Headquarters by construction worker Margaret Date. We believed them to be a primitive form of Arachnids at first, but it seems we were wrong. Here…take a look at this!

He signals her to join him by the other cage

The Doctor:
These Dates are the siblings of our friends in the other cage. Now watch this.

The doctor pushes a few buttons on a panel by the side of the cage.

Cut to an under-water shot of a hatch opening and a predator swimming in, lurking just under the surface where the Dates are drinking water. Suddenly its tongue shoots out and snatches one of the creatures, dragging it under the surface, while the other creatures run away from the water.

The doctor rush back to the other cage and Janeway follows him. They both bend down and observe the Dates, still drinking their water.

The Doctor:
And five…four…three…two…

Suddenly the creatures panic and run away from the water.

(eyes widening) Fascinating! How’s that even possible?

The Doctor:
It seems that all siblings within the species are somehow connected to each other.


The Doctor:
No, that is what we can’t figure out! We know the distance between them is NOT a factor. It is as though they are one and the same mentally, but inhabit different bodies. It has been known amongst skilled Vulcans, mind you, but not in such detail.


And whatever they experience during their lifespan…

Janeway and the doctor straighten up and the United Federation of Planets President Sedak is standing behind them.

…their offspring is born with the very same knowledge as their parents AND their parents' siblings.


A loud BANG outside. Captain Janeway rushes out of Sickbay, while Sedak turns to the doctor and gives him a memory chip.
I need you to take a look at this, doctor.

The Doctor:
Eh…yes, Ma'am! Right away, Ma'am!

And…let us keep this between us for now!

The Doctor:
Yes, Ma'am!

Sedak leaves the sickbay to join Captain Janeway.

Fade out


Act One
Sequence 1/ Scene 2

Fade in

Janeway is standing by the banister around the promenade balcony - looking down on the main street. A group of armed terrorists are standing in the middle of the street. Two of them are holding a hostage each, and there are three others pointing their weapons in different directions around them. The crowd is hiding behind anything available.

(Touches her badge) Janeway to…

Sedak comes up at her side and signals her to stop.


What’s going on?

The voice of opposition is growing louder by the minute. Ever since our alien visitors flooded the Alpha Quadrant.

Well…When refusing accesses to the Nexus we pretty much killed their dreams of eternal life! It's an enticing possibility, don't you find?

An eternal illusion of life, captain!

Close enough!

The terrorist leader grabs a frightened lady close by, with his arm around her neck.

Terrorist leader:
Captain Janeway! You have five minutes to appear...(looks around) or we WILL destroy this station! The countdown starts now!

He pushes a button on his bracelet and part of the device on the floor in front of him moves up, around, and back in place again, beeps once - and starts blinking.

Janeway looks at the president.

Not yet!

I hope you know what you’re doing, Ma'am!

Sedak is scanning the promenade with her eyes as though looking for someone.

Cut to the Andorian brothers running the bar “Blues” - both sitting on the floor behind the counter. The young, skinny one (Oral) with only one antenna on the top of his head is sitting behind the bigger one (Eral).

Could you not breathe on me with that Blood Worm breath of yours! What do you eat that crap for anyways?!

They're like soooooo lucky I didn’t bring my Bat'leth!

Really? Can you even lift it?


Eral signals to Oral to be silent. Both look down at the floor and the camera tilt down to show what they are looking at; The floor in front of the counter, just visible from underneath the counter, A pair of shoes is slowly walking past them - toward the exit.

Cut to a corner of the exit door, where the person that just passed the counter stops. Camera pans from the boots and up to the head of a hooded man. He pulls the big hood off his head, revealing the Vulcan/Okampa face of Tomak. He glances at the terrorists very shortly and looks across the street, where Komiri (Species Zakdorn/S116) sits eating his dinner. A soft whisper is heard - without the words coming through clearly.

Komiri is just about to put a fork in his mouth when he freezes and raises his head - meeting Tomak’s eyes directly. Komiri walks over to the entrance and turns toward the terrorists, and the camera zooms in on a number of details:

- The Bat’leth on the back of a terrorist
- A terrorist hiding behind a pillar - and then to a Vulcan standing on the other side.
- And to the terrorist leader holding the frightened lady

He looks over in another direction at:

- The lipstick on one of the two masked terrorists
- The terrorist closest to the candy stand and changing focus to the El-Aurian/Krenim lady minding her own business just behind him.

Then he looks back at Tomak. Tomak nods. He turns toward five visitors on the promenade and the whisper is heard again. Each and one turns toward him and nods back at him.

The Klingon/Vulcan Marak
The Vulcan Hologram Torok
The Cameloid/Changeling Camilia
The El-Aurian/Krenim Lauren
The Kriosian/Orion Taren

Taren walks straight over to the first masked terrorist


The female terrorist raises her Phaser rifle threateningly and rests it against Taren's chest.

(woman's voice) Stay where you are!

(smiling) You don’t shoot people on a first date do you?

His eyes get a green glow, and an almost invisible green gas is flowing like waves between them.

Close up of her eyes softening and her finger leaving the trigger. Taren slowly pushes the rifle aside.

That’s right...(His face closing slowly in, his eyes locked on hers) Don’t fight it! (Kisses her on the lips and she collapses on the floor)

The Terrorist by the candy stand turns around from the noise, pulls a large knife out of his belt, and starts walking toward Taren.

Lauren, standing behind him, lifts one fist with thumb and little finger pointing forward, and the terrorist stumbles a bit and then stop. He seems uneasy, sweating and loosening his clothes around the neck.

The camera shifts to a man holding around his wife - both watching what's happening and a flash of lights makes them turn in shock and disgust.

Lauren turns back to the shop owner:

Could I have a Talaxian Coffee to go with that, please?

Over her shoulder there's smoke rising from a black mark in the floor.

The Vulcan by the pillar turns around and walks straight into the pillar. On the other side an arm reaches out of the pillar, pinching the terrorist in the shoulder - rendering him unconscious.

The other masked terrorist is on his way toward Taren and pulls the Bat'leth from his back. Attached to the Bat'leth is a large Tribble which purrs at him and the masked terrorist (Klingon) cries out and drops the Bat'leth. The Tribble rolls across the floor before rising as the shape shifter Camila. The Klingon’s face is twisting with anger but suddenly his eyes are rolling back and he falls to the ground. The Vulcan has reached him from behind and has pinched his shoulder. He turns his head toward the last terrorist.

The Vulcan/Klingon Marak punches in a few numbers on the display of his boomerang and throws it at the last terrorist. He smiles as the boomerang seems to miss him, but just before passing the terrorist the boomerang activates phaser beams in each end, and cut the head of the terrorist (seen through he's shadow on the wall).

May I present - the Gatekeepers.

#51 - Wysłana: 7 Wrz 2009 17:18:17
Indeed! 42 seconds! They outdid themselves this time.

Janeway's eyes focus on the blinking light on the device, still in place on the floor

No, Ma'am! They didn't!

Sedak looks at her, then back at the promenade.

The clock is still ticking!

Sedak's eyes widen and she turns her eyes on the promenade, just as the lady hostage that just rescued from the terrorist leader turns her face back from the body lying on the floor and screams:

Lady Hostage:

She pushes a button on her bracelet before the Gatekeepers have time to react. The device on the floor explodes. Seen from behind, Sedak's and Captain Janeway's clothes and flesh are ripped from their bones. From the outside one see the space station explode, and a giant shock wave ripping the moon Phobos apart, and then reaching the planet Mars - torching the surface.

With the planet burning in the middle of the screen the camera is zooming out, revealing the picture being played out in the eyes of the terrorist lady - frozen in a position with her finger only centimetres over the button on her wrist. Behind her Tomak is standing with his hands stretched out against the terrorist, planting the suggestion of an explosion in her mind.

How did you know?!

She never once looked at the bomb!

Sedak raises her chin and looks at Janeway for a few seconds, then nods, and looks down at the promenade where the Gatekeeper team is heading for the turbo lifts.

Gatekeeper team passes the camera down at the promenade:

(To Taren) “You don’t shoot people on the first date”? Can you get any cheesier?(Rolls eyes)


Fade to black

#52 - Wysłana: 7 Wrz 2009 21:32:00
Just like a Hitchcock's movie - start with an earthquake and then the tension rises even more

Quite the explosive beginning I was expecting. And the very notion of a Vulcan/Klingon hybrid blows me out of my shoes...
#53 - Wysłana: 8 Wrz 2009 07:14:02
Thanks, Alucard87! We'll be trying to surpise all through the movie in the same way! Hope you'll all like it, and that some of you have the chance to take the trip over to do a part!
#54 - Wysłana: 9 Wrz 2009 12:16:51
The background story for the Gatekeeper movie was the extensive family line of Voyager's Kathryn Janeway - ending up with Elisabeth Janeway more than 500 years later. There's some very exciting stuff in there for those that have an eye for details. The research was done by 4Father Barbara Adams. I think it's too long to post here (unless you want me to), but it is found on the Gatekeeper forum, in the Script Thread! You'll find the entire script here in October if you have a profile - without the last ten minutes! ;)
#55 - Wysłana: 9 Wrz 2009 22:02:30
If you would only be kind enough to provide me with some scripts, i could do some off stage voicework (computer voices, comm lines, some audio postprocessing and whatnot).

Moreover, I think that not only me, but some other people from the forum would be more than eager to do some translations, to make the film more acceptable to fans here in Poland
#56 - Wysłana: 10 Wrz 2009 00:54:20 - Edytowany przez: 4Father
Absolutely, Alucard87! Denise Crosby will do the main computer voice (amoung other stuff) but we are looking for an SFX unit to create sound effects for the movie if this is interesting for you. I know we can find most of them on the web, but it would be nice to create our own! We are talkiing all the traditional Star Trek sounds and every day stuff.

Today we got the first animated parts of the teaser, as well as a few samles of the Borg Cube seen in the teaser! Here's a link to the cube: 5b2b38d3&id=558121422
#57 - Wysłana: 28 Wrz 2009 14:28:05 - Edytowany przez: biter
A tutaj mała niespodzianka podesłana przez 4Fathera:
Mają własnego Lucka.
#58 - Wysłana: 28 Wrz 2009 19:26:42
Phi, jakby mieli własnego Spocka, to jeszcze...
#59 - Wysłana: 28 Wrz 2009 20:27:25

Znając ich to niewykluczone ale jakoś nie zaobserwowałem.
#60 - Wysłana: 28 Wrz 2009 21:16:47
Powiedziałbym coś, co by Evivę ucieszyło, ale zobowiązałem się dotrzymać tajemnicy
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