You do indeed! ;) Thanks, FederacyjneMSZ!
Hi guys!
My name is Thomas Dahl (a Norwegian guy from Sweden) and I'm one of the producers of the biggest fanbased Star Trek movie as of yet: Gatekeeper!
Gatekeeper has actors and artists from 16 countries involved, and a long list of celebrities - like actors and producers from both Star Trek and Star wars.
The preproduction has lasted for two years, and the actual shootings will start this November, with a big Kick-off October the 10th. It will be filmed in Sweden and Norway, and the production will most likely last for 3-4 years.
Naturally we would very much like to have Polish actors joining in as well, so if you ever wanted to act agains real Star Trek actors - this is your chance.
The project is 100% non-commercial, which means the film will be screened on the Internet, and on conventions all over the world. It also means that everyone participating will have to get themselves to the location of the shooting by their own means - but we do have sleeping quarters and food for everyone visiting.
For a speaking part you will have to speak English quite well, but we do have langiage coatches and the script is reccorded on Mp3 for everyone to practice their language. If not there are plenty of none-speaking parts and extras for us to fill. So go for it guys! Our contact mail is:
Our home page will open in October, but we do have a preliminary home page on Facebook: 6376443387&ref=mf
If you have problem with the language use google translate (cut and paste): Dahl