Go to see this film a thousend times that it´d be a profit.

If only I had the money!
May you could give an example?
Well, there was a debate entitled
Galaxy czy Defiant. The topic was about both starship classes and their imaginary duel. Which one would win the fight if both of them was in standard configuration without later alterations (as seen in "Encounter at Farpoint" and "The Search"). The discussion took 48 pages (!) which spanned for 8 months of constant posting

It's a bit of a legend here
To sum it up, we just don't know who would win

but, as far as I remember there was no casualities

That was glorious battle! Qa'pla
But now, about the "Enterprise" well, it is widely discussed wether there really is a place for NX-01 in the established Trek history. According to thi:
http://trekplace.com/images/article13-pic010.jpg a shot at wall as it was in The Motion picture - no! There are some inconsistencies in many dialogs concerning the number of ships named Enterprise, but almost never any hint about the very existance of NX-01 was given.
The other problem is the looks of so called "Akiraprise" - see here:
http://www.ex-astris-scientia.org/articles/enterpr ise_design_comment.htm
and here:
http://www.ex-astris-scientia.org/articles/nx01.ht m
Other problem seems to be the Borg and Ferengi, races which shouldn't have been seen by humans for at least 200 years more... And that the primitive technology of the XXII century was able to counter the Borg technology from the XXIV c.
These are just some of the inconsistencies in the "Enterprise" series. Others are - first contact with the Klingons, which went well in ENT and should've been a "diplomatic disaster" accordingly to capt. Picard. Another is a natural phoenomenon travelling at warp speed, while 200 years later Data makes a remark that no such thing have ever been observed before Gomtuu (in TNG: "Tin Man").