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#31 - Wysłana: 17 Lut 2007 15:50:57
How are the film and series in Poland? Are they in polish or in an other languge (how in Finnland)?
I ask, ask and ask each question I know, why ask nobody me something about something in Austria?
Pah Wraith
#32 - Wysłana: 18 Lut 2007 12:46:24
How are the film and series in Poland? Are they in polish or in an other languge (how in Finnland)?

Well, in Poland foreign films on TV are mostly dubbed by one person at a time. Meaning that one person reads all of the dialogs in the movie. It's dull and not especially well received. In a nut shell - it's just annoying :] Some movies are dubbed with professional actors, where each character has his own voice (just like in many other countries) and they speak polish.

While on DVD's mostly subtitles are used, since the professional dubbing isn't a cheap thing.

But the biggest problem is with the quality of translation. In fact while TNG was on polish TV, some 10 years ago a group of fans gathered and wrote to the Chairman of Polish TV about all of the mistakes the translator made.

As far as I know, in Austria and Germany at least TOS had been professionally dubbed in german, isnt'it?
#33 - Wysłana: 28 Lut 2007 07:07:10
As far as I know, in Austria and Germany at least TOS had been professionally dubbed in german, isnt'it?

No, TOS was everytime dubbed nearly perfect... but some sequels weren´t the same how the english sequels. Maybe you know the sequel Weltraumfieber (Amok Time), in german TV first it was going about that Spock draems about the PonFarr, in the new dubbed version it´s how in the english sequel with some... mistakes. In fact some people could mean we have more then 80 sequels
Pah Wraith
#34 - Wysłana: 28 Lut 2007 10:36:20
Oh, yes, I've heard that one... :] There is a great site by Bernd Schneider (not the footballist ;] ) where most of the changes inflicted on the ST series in the process of dubbing is listed. Some of them were quite radical and unnecessary. Read also a review of the "Patterns of Force" (TOS) episode -it states that it was never shown in Germany...
#35 - Wysłana: 6 Mar 2007 07:19:32
Read also a review of the "Patterns of Force" (TOS) episode -it states that it was never shown in Germany...

That´s not true... "Patterns of Force" was shown in Germany for I think ten years was the premier from the sequel "Patterns of force"
the cause for this was Germanys disreputable Past...
But if we beginn to discuss about all the mistakes in Star Trek we could discuss months (hmm I think this isn´t a bad idea)

In fact I heard that Paramount Pictures would make a Star-Trek-comic-serie, wich plays in the 25 Century, ig Star Trek XI would be a profit...
Pah Wraith
#36 - Wysłana: 6 Mar 2007 10:50:28
But if we beginn to discuss about all the mistakes in Star Trek we could discuss months (hmm I think this isn´t a bad idea)

If only you could read in Polish... Even now a preaty mean discussion is taking place about "Enterprise" and its mistakes

ig Star Trek XI would be a profit...

Well, that's a reasonable condition enough ;] Morover, if this movie isn't going to be a hit the whole franchise's futurewill be questionable...
The "XI" would have to be made with a lot of money involved, and feature something really big in its main plot to round up audience. Now mr Abrams is preparing an Academy film. Will it be big? I don't suppose so
#37 - Wysłana: 7 Mar 2007 07:14:47
Go to see this film a thousend times that it´d be a profit.

If only you could read in Polish... Even now a preaty mean discussion is taking place about "Enterprise" and its mistakes

May you could give an example?
Pah Wraith
#38 - Wysłana: 7 Mar 2007 10:42:20 - Edytowany przez: Pah Wraith
Go to see this film a thousend times that it´d be a profit.

If only I had the money!

May you could give an example?

Well, there was a debate entitled Galaxy czy Defiant. The topic was about both starship classes and their imaginary duel. Which one would win the fight if both of them was in standard configuration without later alterations (as seen in "Encounter at Farpoint" and "The Search"). The discussion took 48 pages (!) which spanned for 8 months of constant posting It's a bit of a legend here
To sum it up, we just don't know who would win but, as far as I remember there was no casualities That was glorious battle! Qa'pla

But now, about the "Enterprise" well, it is widely discussed wether there really is a place for NX-01 in the established Trek history. According to thi: a shot at wall as it was in The Motion picture - no! There are some inconsistencies in many dialogs concerning the number of ships named Enterprise, but almost never any hint about the very existance of NX-01 was given.

The other problem is the looks of so called "Akiraprise" - see here: ise_design_comment.htm
and here: m

Other problem seems to be the Borg and Ferengi, races which shouldn't have been seen by humans for at least 200 years more... And that the primitive technology of the XXII century was able to counter the Borg technology from the XXIV c.

These are just some of the inconsistencies in the "Enterprise" series. Others are - first contact with the Klingons, which went well in ENT and should've been a "diplomatic disaster" accordingly to capt. Picard. Another is a natural phoenomenon travelling at warp speed, while 200 years later Data makes a remark that no such thing have ever been observed before Gomtuu (in TNG: "Tin Man").
#39 - Wysłana: 7 Mar 2007 21:03:53
That was glorious battle! Qa'pla

It was, indeed .
#40 - Wysłana: 8 Mar 2007 07:17:41
Another is a natural phoenomenon travelling at warp speed, while 200 years later Data makes a remark that no such thing have ever been observed before Gomtuu (in TNG: "Tin Man").

Maybe the computer of the Enterprise is full of mistakes...
So many of Starfleets computer have more then enough mistakes

But however that´s Starfleet...

>Go to see this film a thousend times that it´d be a profit.

If only I had the money!

Yeah may that could be a problem...
#41 - Wysłana: 13 Kwi 2007 17:22:18
Is this now the end?
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