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Pah Wraith
#1 - Wysłana: 1 Lut 2007 11:09:46
So, Worf, tell us about your preferences, or perhaps you know something of other Germans' likes/dislikes?
If it's coming to me I'm a definite proponet of TNG and DS9 and my favourite features would be ST7&8 and widely hated ST5. Well I'm keen on the latter because I believe to express the true trek spirit!
On the other hand I couldn't stand most of the Enterprise series (although it has some preety magnificent ideas and characters in it but it's not enough to save the day :/) and I'm ebarassed by the Nemesis picture which is, in my opinion, full of mistakes, logic gaps and simply speaking, stupid ideas =P
#2 - Wysłana: 1 Lut 2007 13:40:40
First I am not a German boy, I am Austrian boy.
The most of us likes St 5 cause his black houmor, but this was it, why the most of us like ST 5. I like mostly like ST6,7,8 and 10.
You asked what other Germans like. In the Sci-Fi-Genre the most like Andromeda, Stargate, Farscape, Babylon 5, Crusade and only some few Star Trek. (Series)
In Austria the most Sci-Fi-Fans like: Star Gate, Star Trek, Firefly, Babylon 5, Crusade and some of us who know it Omega 7(it´s the first German Sci-Fi-serie)
The popularest Sci-Fi-Film in Austria is Solaris and Aurora. The best Parodie Traumschiff Surprise Periode 1 (it´s a film about Körk, Spucky, Schrotty(Star Trek TOS), Princess Leiha (Star Wars) and Taxidriver Rock ( The fifth Element).
I believe too in the true trek spirit, because this I registret me on this page...
I have only two Enterprise-Folgen (sorry I don´t know this word in English) seen. This with the Borg and another.
May it´s in the Englishfilm or in Polish, but in the German-Version he is complex speaking, but... this is German...
I don´t know any logic gaps, mistakes (only one in the scene where the screen is blowing away and this guy is sucking in the space) and stupid ideas.
It will be nice if you tell me something about your and/or Polish likes and dislikes. 
#3 - Wysłana: 1 Lut 2007 15:45:04
The best Parodie Traumschiff Surprise Periode 1 (it´s a film about Körk, Spucky, Schrotty(Star Trek TOS), Princess Leiha (Star Wars) and Taxidriver Rock ( The fifth Element).
O yes, we know it. We've seen it about year ago (if I'm wrong, Pah Wraith will correct me  ).
What do we like in Poland? Many things. I can speak about Star Trek, because it's my favourite sci-fi world. In Poland two series are very popular - The Next Generation (because it was the first science-fiction series in TV) and Deep Space 9 (because it is very complex and interesting series with bold characters - and especially: war  ).
The Enterprise series has many fans and enemies. It's hard to say if it is good or bad series for Polish people. I think we have a little division in Polish fandom. I think it is also the same with Star Trek Nemesis. As much as I know, Polish fandom dislikes Star Trek 5.
My favourites Star Trek films: 9, 6, 2, 7 (in this order  ). My favourite Star Trek series - The Next Generation.
#4 - Wysłana: 1 Lut 2007 16:25:19 - Edytowany przez: szwagier
Welcome to U.S.S. Phoenix Mr. Worf  Q'pla!
My favorite series is TNG... and DS9. But favourites film-I prefer films with crew from TOS.
And now.. popular question in Poland: what is your favourite ship class in ST? 
#5 - Wysłana: 1 Lut 2007 17:28:34 - Edytowany przez: Domko
what is your favourite ship class in ST?
I think it will be a very long discussion. As always. 
#6 - Wysłana: 1 Lut 2007 17:32:47
And now.. popular question in Poland: what is your favourite ship class in ST?
hahaha you mean at this forum, most Poles don't know Star Trek 
#7 - Wysłana: 1 Lut 2007 17:45:34
Yes, at this forum... You know...
You started discusion about best series and films for you, so... "show must go on" and continue about ships
Excelsior, Galaxy, Constitution, Sovereign... 
#8 - Wysłana: 1 Lut 2007 18:12:29
As you wish, gentelmen.
Galaxy is my favorite starship class. I also like Prometheus, because it's very powerful ship.
"Show must go on" as you said. Who's next? 
#9 - Wysłana: 1 Lut 2007 18:18:10
"Show must go on" as you said. Who's next?
waiting for Worf (bo narazie panowie gadamy po angielsku między sobą o czym dobrze wiemy nawzajem  ) and next questions... and answers 
#10 - Wysłana: 1 Lut 2007 18:22:56
hahaha you mean at this forum, most Poles don't know Star Trek
Unfortunately, it's true  . But at this forum - as Domko said - you can always count on people, who will be ready do discuss majority of Galaxy class over Defiant or vice versa  .
Maybe someone try to translate the discussion "Galaxy vs Defiant" for Worf  .
Pah Wraith
#11 - Wysłana: 1 Lut 2007 19:16:09 - Edytowany przez: Pah Wraith
First I am not a German boy, I am Austrian boy.
Sorry, I just assumed the latter. Hope you're not mad
some of us who know it Omega 7(it´s the first German Sci-Fi-serie)
wow, what's this about? Sounds interesting
The best Parodie Traumschiff Surprise Periode 1 (it´s a film about Körk, Spucky, Schrotty(Star Trek TOS)
Oh, a great movie
And yes, Domko, we have seen it 1 year ago, but it premiered in Poland ca 2004.
Taxidriver Rock ( The fifth Element).
Oh, is it an another creation of Bully Herbig (responsible for Traumshiff Surprise)?
Concerning ST: Nemesis I generally tend to agree on most of the points listed in here: tml
Most of them are not serious accusations but are enough to provoke a good laugh
Maybe someone try to translate the discussion "Galaxy vs Defiant" for Worf.
You mean all 40+ pages of the discussion alongside with all appendages and offtopics? Thats easy - just about 100 pages of discussion 
#12 - Wysłana: 1 Lut 2007 19:34:45
You mean all 40+ pages of the discussion alongside with all appendages and offtopics? Thats easy - just about 100 pages of discussion
Exactly  . Would you like Worf to miss it just because of the language  ?
Pah Wraith
#13 - Wysłana: 1 Lut 2007 19:41:04
Wellllll.... after you? 
#14 - Wysłana: 2 Lut 2007 00:29:39
Would you like Worf to miss it just because of the language?
Like I said before, let's teach him polish. It's either that or translate discussions. 
#15 - Wysłana: 2 Lut 2007 07:16:57
Like I said before, let's teach him polish. It's either that or translate discussions
I think I should buy me a Translator...
And now.. popular question in Poland: what is your favourite ship class in ST?
This question is in Austria not popular, but my favourite ship class is the Huron-Class (TAS) it´s a very nice ship and I like it very much...
Oh, is it an another creation of Bully Herbig (responsible for Traumshiff Surprise)?
No he is the taxidriver from Körk
wow, what's this about? Sounds interesting
It´s a Sci-Fi-serie with flat irons as Ufos  it´s a very nice serie ... how Flash Gordon 
#16 - Wysłana: 2 Lut 2007 11:54:42 - Edytowany przez: szwagier
This question is in Austria not popular, but my favourite ship class is the Huron-Class (TAS) it´s a very nice ship and I like it very much...
TAS is not very popular series in Poland. For me Huron type is... ugly and strange
Pah Wraith
#17 - Wysłana: 3 Lut 2007 10:41:43
Well, Huron looks quite interesting  Although I heard the name earlier, I never saw it. The TAS was never shown in Poland.
#18 - Wysłana: 3 Lut 2007 14:59:27
TAS is not very popular series in Poland. For me Huron type is... ugly and strange
In Austria is TAS very popular because of the story. I know that the Huron-Class looks strange but that I likes on this class
#19 - Wysłana: 3 Lut 2007 15:19:19
For me Huron looks unrealy. Best of classes  :
1) Excelsior - beautiful and classic ship,
2) Galaxy (no comment  ),
3) Constitution (symbol of Star Trek, Federation),
4) Sovereign (modern and powerfull class),
5) Prometheus
#20 - Wysłana: 3 Lut 2007 16:39:17
For me Huron looks unrealy.
For me too but how should I say... I like it only because of the design... My `Best of classes´:
2) Constitution (Good, old, perfect)
3) Galaxy (...)
4) Ambassador (It looks greatly)
5) Sovereign (...xD...)
#21 - Wysłana: 3 Lut 2007 18:08:55
Ps.: For me Huron type is... ugly and strange
I know design is not a good definitation for a ship of the Huron-class I think I likes it so much cause it´s seems so... so other than the other Federationships...
Okay, maybe I´ll like in one, two, or three years, when I´m older and wiser, other starships more then the Huron-class...
PS2.: TAS is not very popular series in Poland
But ... why is TAS not so popular in Poland?
We likes this serie in our Fanclub in Austria because she is so funny... ;-D
To say it in klingon, the serie is: "wejpuH" 
#22 - Wysłana: 3 Lut 2007 18:11:35
There was no TAS in Polish TV - it's the main reason.
#23 - Wysłana: 3 Lut 2007 18:23:26
But ... why is TAS not so popular in Poland?
I think that is because it is largely unknown even amog some "less dedicated" fans. Not mention people who likes SF genneraly and Star Trek is just one "moderate" show.
Second think is that animated movies not long ago was perecived, in common opinion, as something only for kids. (Legacy of something called here "wieczorynka" or "dobranocka"  )
Pah Wraith
#24 - Wysłana: 3 Lut 2007 18:27:16
I know design is not a good definitation for a ship of the Huron-class I think I likes it so much cause it´s seems so... so other than the other Federationships...
Okay, maybe I´ll like in one, two, or three years, when I´m older and wiser, other starships more then the Huron-class...
Oh, no. Nobody said anything about age, here. I, for myself, am nearly sure that we're not especially fond of the Huron class design simply because it's so much different than other starships we know of. In fact, in the light of the "Enterprise" TV series it looks quite appropriate - little less sofisticated than Constitution class. I think it's great for that part.
But ... why is TAS not so popular in Poland?
We likes this serie in our Fanclub in Austria because she is so funny... ;-D
I did some reading on TAS and, although I newer saw it I can't wait to view it  Well, to be exact, that's the only Star Trek series I never saw 
#25 - Wysłana: 3 Lut 2007 18:45:13
We likes this serie in our Fanclub in Austria because she is so funny... ;-D
And one more think about TAS - it may looks funny but it' great piece of SF in Star Trek style.
Before I saw TAS I red Capitan's Logs by Alan Dean Fostrer. The same stories as in TAS but without a this naive apperance of TOS and old animation style. It was a very good reading and not as funny as TAS may appear.
The only thing that makes TAS funny is it apperiance - exept mabe for some intentionaly comical episodes. Like those with Mud and Triblites 
#26 - Wysłana: 8 Lut 2007 07:08:21
Legacy of something called here "wieczorynka" or "dobranocka"
How should I understand this *glg*...
Nope, knows somebody Firefly, or Serenity?...?
It´s not from Star Trek but... but it would be interessed to know about other Sci-Fi in Polend...
Pah Wraith
#27 - Wysłana: 9 Lut 2007 16:40:09
How should I understand this *glg*...
Meaning TAS used to be considered as something for children. I do not agree however...
Nope, knows somebody Firefly, or Serenity?...?
I believe that Waterhouse used to watch it, perhaps he would be so kind and share his mind on this one.
It´s not from Star Trek but... but it would be interessed to know about other Sci-Fi in Polend...
Oh, the reimagined Battlestar Galactica is very popular, although our national TV aired just the season one. So is "Lost".
#28 - Wysłana: 9 Lut 2007 21:38:27 - Edytowany przez: theczarek
#29 - Wysłana: 15 Lut 2007 18:43:22
Yeah, I think that´s great for an american serie. [I mean look at other series like... Smallville, so christly... (I am still Christ and I have a critical austrian taste for films, who´s not including Star Trek  ...)]
But ... know somebody called a serie called Malcom?
Pah Wraith
#30 - Wysłana: 15 Lut 2007 21:53:49
Do you mean "Malcolm in the middle"?
If so, then sure, that's a lot of fun. Kinda something like "The Simpsons' and "South Park" with real actors. In Poland it's being released as "Zwariowany świat Malcolma" [Crazy world of Malcolm] :]